Enterprise Legal Studio was established in 2014, a company tailored to entrepreneurs, physical persons, startups, companies, and individuals, providing with wide range of legal, notary, translation, and accounting services.

We provide services mainly related to corporate and commercial matters, investment, family, inheritance, immigration, labor, insurance intellectual property, Business Setup and corporate transactions. administrative, real estate, Dispute resolution, litigation. Notary Services Legal address. Full Accounting Service.

We assist with visa, permanent and temporary residence, working permits. Our dedicated staff members with elaborate approach give priority to maintaining the highest professional standards.
Our clients are our biggest assets.

We understand the meaning of time and that’s why we offer all the services in one space.

Speed up your time and Success!

We are doing what we’re passionate about.
Start your business in the most convenient environment!

About image

Nina Mgaloblishvili


As the C.E.O. of our company, Nina Mgaloblishvili is responsible for overseeing the overall strategic direction and operations of the organization, making key decisions and builds strong relationships with partners and clients.

Zurab Kukhianidze


Zurab Kukhianidze is the head of Translation department. He supervises the translation process and deals with business, technical, legal, and scientific written materials. His work is invaluable asset to our team.

Mzia Khabalashvili

Financial manager

Mzia Khabalashvili is responsible for managing financial records and transactions. She ensures accuracy and compliance with established accounting principles, policies, and procedures. With her strong analytical skills, she plays a vital role in the company's financial stability.

Tamar Ogbaidze


Researching legal and technical phraseology to ensure correct translation. Reviewing and proofreading mother-tongue texts from English and Russian Languages. She plays a crucial role in facilitating communication and understanding between different language speakers.

მინდობილობის / რწმუნებულების გაცემა

მინდობილობა ეს არის წერილობითი უფლებამოსილება, რომლის საფუძველზეცერთი პირი ვალდებულია მეორე პირის სახელითა და ხარჯით, იმოქმედოს მესამე პირთან ურთიერთობაში და შეასრულოს მისთვის დავალებული ერთი ანრამდენიმე მოქმედება.

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AGREEMENT of LOAN and MORTGAGE ("Pledge of the apartment")

The loan and mortgage agreement does not lose its relevance, although the mentioned issue is perceived incorrectly by a certain part of society and ends up with serious consequences. -

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როგორ ვკარგავთ ჩვენ საკუთრებას?

ნოტარიუსი ყოველთვის ზედმიწევნით უხსნის პიროვნებას მინდობილობით რა უფლებას აძლევს სხვა ადამიანს, მაგრამ აღმოჩნდა რომ ხშირ შემთხვევაში მინდობილობის გამცემი პირი ვერ აცნობიერებს რის უფლებას ანიჭებს მეგობარს.

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Problem of Parking in Tbilisi

There is still no parking space in the city and this remains an unsolved problem.

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Patent and Patent attorney

Intellectual property protects everything that a person creates with his knowledge or mind.

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Recommendations for Re-registration of Enterprises

Considering the law, it is important that the enterprises registered in Georgia undergo re-registration before March 2024.

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